IV Therapy

Primary Care Practice, Adult Health Nurse Practitioner & Family Medicine, Adults, & Pediatrics located in Johnson City, TN

IV Therapy

IV Therapy services offered in Johnson City, TN

If you’re searching for a way to boost your hydration at the cellular level, IV therapy has much to offer. This is one of many advanced treatments available from William Clever, FNP, and the team at Appalachian Family Care in Johnson City, Tennessee. If you’re curious about IV therapy and want to learn more, call or click today to schedule a visit. 

IV Therapy Q & A

What is IV therapy?

You’re probably already familiar with the use of intravenous (IV) therapy in hospital and emergency medical settings. The approach uses a needle to place a thin piece of medical tubing into a vein on your hand or wrist. The other end of the tubing connects to a bag containing a saline solution. 


Practitioners add a variety of medications to the solution, which slowly enters your bloodstream. IV therapy delivers a controlled volume of medication directly to the bloodstream. 


In wellness settings, IV therapy uses this same approach to deliver carefully blended nutrients to the bloodstream. Also called IV nutrition therapy, this treatment enhances your cellular nutrition. 

What are some benefits of IV therapy?

It’s possible to meet all of your daily nutritional requirements through food sources alone. However, doing so requires extensive time spent planning, shopping, and preparing meals. For most busy Americans, reaching optimal nutrition solely through food sources is just not feasible. 


Supplements can help, but extensive research shows that a large portion of supplements passes through the digestive system intact. That means you are literally flushing your hard-earned money down the toilet. 


IV therapy offers a solution. Because the nutrients enter your bloodstream directly, there’s no need to rely on your digestive system to process food and extract nutrients. You and your practitioner know exactly which nutrients your body receives and at what volume. 


IV nutrition therapy is also highly customizable. Some of the benefits you can receive from a custom blend include:


  • Immune boost
  • Weight loss
  • Skin glow
  • Energy boost
  • Enhanced cognitive function
  • Workout recovery
  • Hangover recovery


During your visit, your practitioner discusses your unique needs and suggests the best options. Vitamin B12 injections are also available. 

Is IV therapy a painful experience?

The practitioners at Appalachian Family Care have a great deal of experience placing and removing IVs. You might feel a slight pinch as the needle enters your skin, but there’s no significant discomfort. It only takes a few seconds to place the tubing and use a small piece of tape to hold the IV in position. 


You can then read, listen to music, or just relax as the solution slowly enters your blood. Many people report feeling immediate improvements from their IV therapy session, likely due to the immediate hydration boost. 


If you’re ready to learn more, call the office to book a visit or schedule online in just a matter of moments.