Frequently asked questions

Can a provider call me?

To add a new question go In order to give our patients the attention they need, they are dedicated to seeing patients with scheduled appointments. If you have a question for a provider or need to speak with them, the staff will take a message and send to the provider, and they can usually respond by the close of business. We do offer telemedicine appointments all day Tuesday and Friday afternoons, so if you would rather discuss directly with the provider that is also an option.to app settings and press "Manage Questions" button.

When can I get labs?

Our lab is on site, and open during 8:00-4:00pm, and the office does take a lunch break from 12:00-1:00.

Can I be tested for COVID19 and how?

We can test for COVID19 in our office. There is a nasal swab and a throat swab that we can do in office. Results may take 2-6 days to get back. We can also do an antibody test to see if you have previously been infected with COVID19, this is a blood test, and results are back within 24 hours. If you would like to be tested for COVID19 please contact our office to set up a test. IF you are having symptoms please tell the receptionist so that we can take precautions and ensure you are assessed by a provider.

Can I send an email and to what address?

Yes you can send the nurses emails at familycarenursing@outlook.com is the nursing email that is checked daily. This is a great way to get a quick answer to questions about medications and appointments.

Is this an urgent care or walk-in clinic?

No, we are a primary care practice. We can usually work our patients in same day or next day, or set up a telemedicine appointment with one of our providers.

What is your fax number?


Are you accepting new patients?

Yes! We are accepting new patients! Please call our receptionists for a new patient packet and a new patient appointment.

I need my prescriptions refilled, can you send them in for me? Why do I need an appointment for that?"

The providers will always schedule a follow-up visit depending on the issues for which the patient is being seen, during a follow up visit medications are reviewed and refills are sent. Some medications require close monitoring, maybe even lab work, that could be why only a few refills were sent by the provider. As much as the providers want patients to keep thier schedueled appointments we do not want you to run out of medcation, so pleas call our nursing staff or send us an email.

Can I speak to a nurse?

Yes, you can reach a nurse by dialing 423-282-2516 or emailing familycarenursing@outlook.com.